Hydrogen Detectors

Hydrogen is becoming increasingly common in the world’s energy economy. It can be used for alternate fuel vehicles, as a cooling agent in automotive applications and in alternative energy storage. It is important to ensure that the environment where hydrogen is handled and stored is safe, which means utilizing hydrogen gas detection. Resource gasleakdetector.com

Many of the same methods that are used to detect other gases can be applied to hydrogen. However, there are a few different detector technologies that are more specific to hydrogen than others. For example, infrared sensors are unable to detect hydrogen because diatomic molecules don’t absorb infrared radiation. Semiconductor sensors can be used, but they also respond to a variety of other gases and vapours and are therefore not recommended for hydrogen detection.

Choosing the Right Hydrogen Detector: Factors to Consider for Effective Gas Monitoring

Pellistor hydrogen detectors, also known as catalytic bead sensors, use a bead coated with a special catalyst that reacts with the surrounding flammable gas to generate heat. This change in heat causes the balance of a Wheatstone bridge circuit to shift, generating an output voltage that corresponds to the concentration of the flammable gas in the air.

These sensors have the advantage of a wide sensitivity range (0% to 75% LEL) and the ability to respond to acetone, methyl isobutyrate and toluene. They are ideal for monitoring hydrogen in areas that may contain additional flammable gases such as battery rooms or where other types of hazardous gas detection is required. It is also important to note that these sensors need regular maintenance to ensure that they continue to perform properly. This is often referred to as bump testing and is recommended daily, particularly for life-threatening or dangerous applications.

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