Security guard services are manned by trained personnel who provide security and safeguard persons, property and equipment. They may be uniformed or un-uniformed, armed or un-armed, stationary or mobile, and can perform entrance or exit screening, personal or system monitoring, alarm response, cash pickup or delivery, patrols, and other services. Tulsa Security Guard Company also safeguard groups or individuals at airports, bus and train stations, sports stadiums, shopping malls, and commercial or industrial buildings.
How much do security guards make per hour in the US?
Sunstates Security has great benefits, better than average pay, opportunities to grow and develop a security career, management cares about their employees and the owner takes a general interest in the company and stays in constant contact with the leadership team. We highly recommend Sunstates Security to anyone looking for a great place to work!
If you are interested in becoming an armed security guard in the state of Oklahoma, you must first take phases I and II of CLEET training at a school like Metro tech Here1 or another career tech school, and then successfully pass the appropriate examinations. After that, you can apply for an armed security guard license with the Council for Law Enforcement and Education here.